Activate the
Regenerative Potential
of Your Body

Regenerative Therapy: The Future of Healthcare

Founded in 2015 by a team of Doctors & Scientists, we are pioneers in the field of regenerative medicine, dedicated to transforming lives and promoting preventative healthcare through innovative regenerative medicine & therapies.

Regenerative medicine targets the root causes of ailments by leveraging the body's innate ability to heal, to rejuvenate or replace damaged cells and tissues. Its principles are deeply rooted in a component that has been part of our biology for ages: stem cells.

Unraveling the Intricacies of Stem Cell Functionality

Stem cells stand out as nature's most versatile builders within our bodies. Often referred to as the body's "natural repair kit," these cells possess an extraordinary characteristic: the ability to remain undifferentiated, waiting for a signal to turn into virtually any type of cell our body may need

Stem cells serve as the foundational building blocks of our body, the primary source from which all distinct cell types are crafted. In the appropriate environments, whether within our body or in scientific labs, stem cells undergo division, producing what are known as "daughter cells”.

These daughter cells have two potential paths: they can either remain as stem cells, or they can evolve into specialized cells, taking on specific roles such as becoming blood cells, neurons, heart muscle cells, or osteocytes.

Uniquely, stem cells are the only cells in our body equipped with this remarkable capability to birth a variety of new cell forms.

What Makes Them Unique

Improve bodies natural healing abilities

Modulate the immune system

Locate and reduce areas of inflammation

Replace damaged and diseased cells

Autologous MSCs have no known side effects

Regenerative Therapy : Path to Reduce hurdles

Living with a chronic disease isn't just about managing physical symptoms. The journey often brings with it a cascade of emotional and mental challenges, creating ripples that touch every aspect of life.

Financial Considerations

Chronic conditions escalate healthcare costs.

Physical Challenges

Chronic diseases limit daily activities.

Emotional Hurdles

Chronic conditions weigh on mental well-being

Care Complexity

Multiple conditions mean multiple specialists.

Imagine a solution that tackles both the root cause of disease and eases its emotional, physical, and financial impact.

Mesenchymal Stem Cell: Therapeutic Applications


Founded by Doctors and Scientists

FDA Approved Center

Transparent Protocol & Pricing

No known Side Effects

70% Success Rate*

Exploring Your Next Steps

n-Depth Screening and Consultation (1 - 2 hours)

An initial assessment conducted to evaluate your medical history and determine the feasibility of cell therapy for your individual needs.

Testing (blood & diagnostic tests)

Some tests which help rule out infections, ensure it is safe to do the cell therapy for you & determine your final protocol.

Arrival & Preparation for therapy (30 mins)

Upon arrival, our experienced team ensure your utmost comfort & prepares you for the upcoming therapy and gets you ready for harvesting.

Stem Cell Harvesting, Processing & Activation & infusion, Treatment (2.5 hours)

We efficiently harvest your MSC’s in about 15 to 30 minutes and technologically refine your stem cells, then administers them into targeted areas for optimized healing.

Aftercare & Support

Typically the therapy is an outpatient procedure with only certain cases requiring overnight stays for observation. Diligent six-month follow-ups provided.

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Get Answers To Your Questions

IV therapy is a simple and gentle method that infuses vital fluids, medications, and nutrients directly into your bloodstream. It's a quick and comfortable way to get what your body needs.

IV therapy delivers immediate hydration, revitalization, and recuperation by providing a physiological boost directly to your cells. This advanced preventive healthcare measure ensures optimal nutrient concentrations, potentially preventing health issues.

Oral supplements may not provide optimal bio availability as a large portion of the nutrients can be metabolized or excreted during digestion. On the other hand IV therapy ensures 100% bioavailability, rapid and efficient cellular uptake, higher doses and better results. Moreover, higher doses of certain nutrients are needed to cause certain effects in the body, which is not always possible to obtain via supplements.

Number of sessions required depends on the therapy in question, the desired results and each individual's lifestyle & physiological factors. On an average most people opt for 8 to 12 sessions. Each IV Therapy session at ALIV typically lasts between 45 minutes to 90 mins depending on the combination being given. Booster shots last anywhere between 15 to 30 minutes.

Nothing more than a small pinch. The procedure involves a needle for IV insertion, our nursing staff is very well experienced to ensure topical local anesthesia makes the discomfort minimal. Moreover, the needle is used only for insertion. Our advanced practices make use of flexible silicon inlets to deliver the nutrients in your blood post the needle prick so most individuals do not feel a thing!

Most individuals experience no major side effects. Some minor side effects during the therapy may include dizziness, nausea, slight irritation at the site of injection. They subside almost instantaneously after a few minutes. After the first few sessions when your body gets used to taking these elements in the IV form, most individuals do not feel any side effects if proper precautions and instructions are followed.

Yes, the therapy is minimally invasive, allowing most clients to resume their daily activities immediately. We recommend taking it easy for a couple of hours

All of our IV infusion specialists are Registered Nurses (RN) who are trained and experienced in administering IV treatments for individuals across all ages.

At ALIV, our expert team of medical professionals develop & deliver safety and quality in every procedure. We pride ourselves on offering tailored IV therapies, customized to individual health needs for best results.We believe in empowering our patients with knowledge about the benefits and science of each therapy. You can learn more about us

We are located on the 3rd Floor in Kumar Business Court building at Bund Garden road behind the Stanley Showroom in Pune. (

Results may vary from person to person, but many clients report feeling increased energy levels, overall well-being and enhanced metabolism after just one session. The results last for anywhere between 1 - 6 months after regular Phase 1 and maintenance sessions. Long-term benefits include increased resilience against age-related diseases and enhanced physical and cognitive functions.